The egg must arrive at the homes with the maximum guarantees of security and maintaining all its properties
After a process of happy growth, by the eighteen weeks of life, our hens begin laying. At this stage it is essential to move the hens away from any stress and provide them with comfortable and adequately air-conditioned places. Once the eggs are laid, the collection is immediate and automated, thus ensuring the maximum freshness of the product.
Classification, quality control and packaging
We have the most advanced equipment: egg transport, classifiers, packaging, labeling and coding, which allow us to control in detail the whole process and the route of each egg. Our Classification Unit is homologated in terms of quality and safety with the IFS European certification.
To ensure maximum freshness of eggs it is necessary to have the shortest time
from the moment of laying to the moment of consumption. The orders are prepared with the eggs that are being produced at the same moment. Our fleet of vehicles covers the service every day.